
Princess and the Prezzie: 33-Mendous Music!

You may be confused by what a 'Prezzie' is...don't worry, you can figure out my categories & words {here}. Simply put, I'm about to have a birthday!! When I turned 31, my best friend Amanda Hill (you'll meet her in a later post) said it would be '31-derful' and I loved it. Some friends helped with '32-rific', and the ridiculousness continues with the fact that I am going to be '33-mendous' on July 2nd. Whoop. Not quite sure what next year will hold, but I'm sure you'll be waiting with bated breath.

A funny thing about birthdays with the Brown sisters: whenever Sarah had a birthday, I pitched a fit until my mom let me open a present too. Because my birthday was in summer (a 7 yr old can only have so many swimsuits), and because I was bratty, it became a tradition for us to get presents on each other's birthdays. This year is no exception. I want to give YOU a present!! (and I mean 'you' singular, cuz I only had change for one gift). BUT IT'S A GREAT ONE!

Ok, on to the point of this post...(there's a deadline, so skip to the very end if you are greedy & impatient like me, ha!)

The category should be 'Princess and the Piano' because technically it is about music. But I have found that life doesn't always fit into neat little boxes. In fact, it NEVER seems to. So, I'll just tack on an extra category if you promise not to tell. Most of you know that I heart music with a passion. From Bieber to The Cure, Tom Petty to Usher...I love just about any type of music. I also really like local music because of the intimate settings and the fact that a member of this band below was one of my Starbucks baristas (she's too cool for that job anyway, so let's help her be famous, okay?)
The band is named Seryn and they are from Denton, TX. They are all beautiful with voices that harmonize like Jesus is returning. You can read how the band got together {here}. It's pretty awesome. I remember thinking my Starbucks barista was so cool looking with her blond dreadlocks (little known fact: I've ALWAYS wanted to sport dreads!) Then I went to Kevin Roden's Drink & Think house show and she was playing in a band! I fell in love with their music that night, and since then, I've been going to their local shows Dr. Seuss style--

I've seen them in a house, 
       I've seem them in a pub,
             I've seen them in a church, 
                  I've seen them in a club.

And now I want to share them with you! I bought their CD today at Recycled Books in Denton. See?

BTW Seryn: this was the last one they had. Yay!

And it's YOURS if you want it! Here's the catch: like any brat, I want you to do something for me before I just give it away. They need our help to win a sweet contest, plus I want as many people as possible to know about them anyway. So this is how you can win the free CD (each one is an entry):

~Link this blog post on your Twitter, Facebook, a friend's FB page, or whatever cool way you talk to peeps on the interwebz

~Go to {this page} and rate Seryn with 5 stars/all other bands lower stars (hey, we want them to win, right?)--voting ends Friday,June 24th!! 
  --> The video quality on that page doesn't quite show how great they sound, so you can also take a listen below. 

~Use a different e-mail address and VOTE AGAIN. 

**Then...leave a comment or e-mail me and tell me all that you did..I'll put your name in for each vote, re-post, tweet, etc. We're going honor system style here, so don't let me down. :)

I will announce a birthday buddy winner on my birthday, July 2nd & I'll send it with love in the mail. Though time is of the essence for the contest (voting ends TOMORROW people!), you can still link/send this to people you think might love them like I do and want free stuff from strangers! And...go!

As a side note, I think all music stirs something in your soul and it is different for each person. Listening to Seryn makes me want to walk in fall leaves, or write a book, or dance, or snuggle up & kiss someone (TMI?)

                             What does Seryn stir up in you?